During the wartime between United States and Country X, Statesman agents were sent out on an infiltration mission to destroy a certain communication tower deep within the warzone. While the agents were moving towards their objective, they came across a rural town that was deeply affected by the war; torn down houses, homeless children and they couldn’t help but frown upon the sight.
Suddenly, one child started creeping towards them in attempt to steal something off the agents. However, the child was caught red-handed by one of the agents, ‘Tequila’, and he was shocked by the glare that the child had in his eyes. It was one full of strength and the will to survive. Amazed by the child, agent ‘Tequila’ squatted down and asked; “Do you want to live?"
In the blink of an eye, 15 years has gone by and the child has grown to become a strong young man under the strict training of his ‘father’, Tequila. One fine day, Tequila asked the young man if he wanted to follow in his footstep to become an agent working for the Statesman and without much thinking, the young man nodded his head.
As a tradition for the Statesman, every serving agent will recommend one ‘seed’ for the test and out of the many seeds, only one will emerge as the prime and will then be given the chance to inherit his recommender’s codename and position within the Statesman. After a series of stringent tests and problems, the young man was able to emerge as the prime and was then given the opportunity to partake in a secret mission to prove his worthiness. As the young man was in his prime, he can't help but start to feel arrogant and full of himself and as a result, he made a big mistake during the mission and fell into the enemies’ deadly trap. Just as the trap was about to take effect, Agent Tequila couldn’t help but rushed out of his observatory spot and pushed the young man out of harm’s way. As a result, Agent Tequila was heavily wounded, and the young man felt deeply remorseful and regretted his actions.
In the end, the young man was still able to complete his mission despite the change of events and has successfully succeeded the codename “Tequila”. He has then changed his way of thinking and was very cautious in the way he dealt with things. The young man was able to complete many challenging missions and achieved outstanding results and he soon became one of the main agents within Statesman.
The young man is me.
I am Agent ‘Tequila’ of the Statesman.